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Scourge playing in the sand

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Scourge playing in the sand
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282 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: Scourge buried Galvatron after poisoning his energon.
trailbreaker writes: "Ravage, your litter box is ready."
Amelie writes: "Where's my dammed contact lens?"
Frenchhorngirl writes: Typo alert beach
Frenchhorngirl writes: "Wait, how far am I away from the beavh?"
Chrisby writes: They'll never find the body...
dirtysock47 writes: hey wheres the rest of it
Heckfire writes: ...big bully...*sniffle*...wait'll my Charles Atlas book gets here...
seminole1 writes: Who needs Galvatron, and those other geeky decepticons. I'll create an army of sandicons, and take over the universe myself.
Unknown writes: The world's biggest crack pile! *SNORT!*
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Scatterlung writes: "Hmm...My legs seem to have dissolved..."
Silver Wind writes: Scourge: "Arrrggghhhh! This stuff has made my fingertips go pink... Uh-oh. Everyone will think I used fingernail polish... NOOOOOOOO!!!"

Autobot (off screen): *whispering* Heh heh heh. Now I all I've gotta do is take a picture of this an
Roadshadow writes: Dammit! Kickback said I'd find treasure here, and all I found so far was a used condom and a rusty spoon!
shepp writes: "I dont care what the other Decepticons think, I'm getting my Teddy bear pajamas outta here!"
Dragonoth writes: Scourge: "If I bury the head of Ultra Magnus here, he won't be able to transform!"

Ultra Magnus (next secene): "Something's missing! I'm just a small white robot, just a soldier. But I can't deal with that right now:
Montmorency writes: (crying) Sniffles was a good friend.
Montmorency writes: GRRR! Megatron I told you to bring the sand shovel!
gauthic_angel7680 writes: Scourge on a bad acid trip one day.
Scourge: look at all this pretty stuff. i could snort you all the time, yes, yes i could. that's right my pretty, you all go up my nose and give me a good trip. no more pink elephants with faries riding them with
tron01 writes: me scourgy make sand cybertron to destroy
Death Gunner writes: Now where did I put my ID. Damn it I can't access Autobot porn without it.
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DarkDranzer writes: *When Scourge hides Galvatron's medication on April Fools Day*
*Galvatron chokes Cyclonus Homer Simpson style!!*

Galvatron: WHY YOU LITTLE!!


DarkDranzer writes: Scourge: Right!! If I can't have Galvatron's Playdude magazines then no one will!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!


Galvatron: Hey Cyclonus have you seen my Playdude magazines?

Cyclonus: Umm...I think Scourge has them said something about bu
ninjabot writes: AS soon as I find that mode-lock I hid, I'm gonna shut starscream down,and rip out his data chip.
Armbullet writes: I dropped my contacts!
Not Sonic writes: Oh fiddlesticks! i lost my nail polish!
Not Sonic writes: Scourge:*crazily*
me build tiny autobot sand
base and then squish it!ha!ha!ha!

Galvatron:did you take your medicine
this morning?

octanius prime writes: cyclonus will never find the jenna jameson data disk here
Greg writes: Hmm... I Wonder What This Yellow Stuff That Looks Like Sand Is Worth?
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge becomes a god like figure to the ants of charr and demands they make sacrificing and construct statues to honor him
Tzarinchilla writes: Scourge: Damn you Unicron. You never said that this was how I had to make my clones!!
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Kal-Seth writes: Scourge fearing what the other decepticons might think of him hides his nail and beard care products out on the desert
Descybner writes: Ahh, who has toys for Scourge? He looks so, almost friendly how he plays in the sand ;)
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge "The Duke Rodimus will neve rhave any of my Melange or those weird squid guys the freakmen or something" meanwhile on earth Frank herbert roles over in his grave...
CanadianJay writes: Stanley Spadowski: "Oh boy, you found the marble in the oatmeal! Now you get to drink from the firehose!"
Scourge: "YAY!!!!"
CanadianJay writes: This means something!!!! This is important!!!
CanadianJay writes: Darn it, stuck cleaning Ravage's litter box again.
Repsotron writes: Scouge, trying to make sense of his life, attempts to answer the meaning of his existance by reenacting a scene from End of Evangelion.
Scourge: Now where can I find two creepy looking dolls to help me.
groovygoth666 writes: Now wheres that energon well..i no its around here somewhere.....
Great Red Spirit writes: When nobody, especialy Galvatron, is watching, Scourge likes to make sandcastles whenever possible.
galvanostril writes: scourge: I must gather as much melange as possible, or baron megatron will have my head!
cyclonus(not in shot): scourge, I just realized, I'm the Quizan Hadorat!
scourge: Hisssssssss...
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Kal-Seth writes: Scourge Serches Desperetly For The Golden Ticket
Minicle writes: Scourge: EWWWW! How come I allways get stuck with Litter box cleaning duty!?
Minicle writes: I know your hiding under there Starscream! .\_/.

Starscream's Ghost: OHHHHH SLAG! O.o
Autocons writes: I am going to build my own city out of sand! If this is the only way to be ruler, then so be it.
vinlok writes: Stupid Galvatron and his stupid cat.
Can't even empty his own kitty Litter.
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge Corners The Market for Spices
Kal-Seth writes: The Decepticons Create a Shrink ray and Decide to Steal the Mohobi Desert and Demand Energon for it's return
sagekilla writes: Scourge: I found him! I found him!! Hahaha Yeah!!! I am 1337!!

Cylconus: So what'd you find Scourge?

Scourge: I found NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE 1.0!!!
galvanostril writes: scourge: burry the body of shrapnel, yes... burry my shame-shame GAAAHHHH! HAUNTING PAST!!!
Zeedust writes: Scourge: "I don't see what's so great about Prime's evil tin. They all judge me for not being Prime's evil twin. They all judge me for my pink fingernails. But you won't judge me, will you, sand? No. You'll be my be
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Mkall writes: It took him over 50 years, but scourge buried every piece of Starscream, one piece of ash per planet.
Macross2020 writes: " *Mumble*..Galvatron said I will never rule over anything...*grumble*...but I will show him...*mumble* *grumble*...I will create my own sand kingdom...then I will be the RULER!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...*cough*...*h
Darph_Bobo writes: Why cant they Accept you for you have become Pamela? WHY!? WHY!?
Rainbow Starscream writes: Oh No! My cream of wheat -- it spilled everywhere!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"This has got to be the largest scrambled egg ever."
oximus_pitt writes: "Where'd I bury my nail polish?"
Mest4life135 writes: hey look its a pond....*walks over* this isnt water its sand....WAAAAH *sniff* hey my nails r......PAINTED?! *hours before now* (location: Tiffanies Nail salon) ya know tiff, my nails r too bland for this macho machine buisness, how bout a nice shine job?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"My manicurist Madge said soking in this will help."
HeliconAutun writes: Why, when I lose my keys, do I have to lose them in the ONLY pile of sand on a world made of granite?
HeliconAutun writes: 'Tis the butter fountain! Rejoice!
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Welcome to another addition of Scourge theatre:
Tonight's episode:Soylent Green
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: After Scourge decimated Hollywood, they agreed to put his handprints in front of the rubble where Mann's once stood.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: E! True Hollywood Stories:Transformers
Cyclonus,"After the cancelation of the show Scourge began acting odd,I remember one time he called me and he was all out of breath,and I knew something was wrong,so I asked,"You ok?" Then he said,&quo
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge found out the hard way that mechanical life lives longer than carbon based life when he had to bury his long time pet Mr. Cuddles.
fuzzy butt writes: and yet again the sad truth is proven, only Mr Science should perform experments.]
" Were gonna need a new Timmy "
trailbreaker writes: "Hey, someone cut holes in the top of my wings!"
Big G writes: Okay, the map said the treasure is buried somewhere in the desert. STILL DON'T SEE THE 'X'!!!!!
Hunter writes: "Join the Decepticons they say, see the universerse they say... Bah! I'd rather be back on Cybertron!"
Rockbadga writes: Scourge takes part in the search for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Map to the stars homes my ass,I'm never gonna find Daisy Fuentes house this way."
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Ok now if Cybertron is hear,and Earth is there,and I've been traveling at 10 light years per astrosecond for 2 hrs.......crap I'm lost I wish I'd payed more attention to those damn story problems in high school."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Now according to this map,and the information I beat outta Billy Crystal,Curly's gold should be right in this cave."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"The Autobots are coming this way,I'll hide under this blanket,they'll never see me!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"OH WOW! A piece of the Hindenberg.Cooolll!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Rare still of Scourge's screen test for Superman:The Movie here Scourge is clearly seen in the scene when Superman arrives just after Lois's car is swallowed by the earthquake.

Coulda been a vastly different movie.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Someone left my cake out in the rain,and I don't think that I can take it,cause it took too long to make it,and I'll never have that receipy again.oh no....."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Oh no,watching Kazaam,changed Galvatron to rice pudding.I warned him.Sweeps to earth,lets pay Shaq,a little visit.He's overdo for a beating for that film."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Oh look it's an Argilian boneless dog! Can I keep him Galvatron he's so cute!?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"What the hell am I doing,I've been staring at this sand for ever now."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Dear God,I'm knee deep in potatoe salad!"
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Damolisher writes: Scourge: Aw, where are my legs?! Damn it, I'm not an ordinary sweep! I don't get killed!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"This is gonna be the best place to play with my Joe figures,ok I'll need the AWE Striker,Duke,Roadblock,Lady Jaye,and ummm Snake Eyes,yeah he's bad ass,and for Cobra,lets see Destro,and The Crimson Twins,that cool new Cobra Crimson
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Ut-O,I spilled the potato chips Galvatron's not gonna be happy."
fuzzy butt writes: CORN I don't rember eating any corn!!!
fuzzy butt writes: Ha ! whin I finnish diggn this pit fall I finnaly catch the road runner.
Scourges adution for ACME products
fuzzy butt writes: Oooo workin in a coal mine a coal mine a coal mine Wrokin in a coal woops about to slip down.

Workin a slaven Workn a slaven diggen all around
Wrokin in a coal mine a coal mine....
Castle74 writes: Here's Scourge doing his interpretation of the kitchen scene from "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind"
fuzzy butt writes: you see mom, this THIS is what happens when you drink when you are pregnent
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Cyclonus(offscreen),"Buddy,leave it be alone,I'm tell'n yeah the King is dead."



Scourge,"At a Stuckie's on rt28."

NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: The old man gathered up the shattered remains of his major award.That night he buried it out by the garage,now I can't be certain,but I could've sworn I heard the sound of taps being played...gently.
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Now Frenzy,could you hand me The Garden Claw I need to til the soil."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge eventually gave up on his hole to China,when Motormaster pointed out that China isn't even on Char.
trailbreaker writes: "Didn't I used to be Skywarp? Or was it Bombshell?"
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: After a strange comet passed Cybertron, the sky turned red, and Scourge began to find odd piles of calcium dust everywhere. Then came the legions of intelligent zombies...
fuzzy butt writes: Yet another example of impared judgement because of low blood suger
Com&Con01 writes: Troy audition # 3849393.
Com&Con01 writes: How can that much sand be in one boot! And I don't even wear boots!
Com&Con01 writes: YES! I will find the City of the Dead! The powers of Imhotep will be mine! And all that gold can finance the new movie! YES!
_Max_ writes: "I know I left that original Optimus Prime toy here somewhere! I need the money to revive my career after Season 4!"
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Road Turtle writes: Get me my energon Scourge. Polish my arm cannon Scourge. Dig me a hole so I can expel my internal waste in it Scourge. Why, why couldn't Unicron just have let me float off into space? Why?
Road Turtle writes: I am amoung the most technologically advanced robotic life forms in the galaxy, yet here I am digging a hole by hand. Shoot Me, Shoot Me Now!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Everytime the Decepticons went drinking Scourge would wake up and his legs would be gone buried on the farside of Char.
AirFlare writes: --Scourge digs frantically looking for the next UCC picture--
Zu Darkness writes: After hearing Galatron's leactures about Autobots symentizers and Autobot figures and what will happen to any Depection who is found processing any of this Scourge went far far away to a distance place at Area 51 to Bury his Optium Prime Figure then
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Now if I completed my collectable Official Transformer Universe game certificates,and pieced them together correctly and if the Tibetan monk translated it correctly then my Japanese TRU exclusive gold reissue Fire God Apex Master Giga Ultra
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Disappointed Scourge hides his Universe Defensor in a deep dark hole.
Kal-Seth writes: After a horriblr accident involving rope plyers and a vat of acid scourge was forced to bury his child hood idle Elmo
fuzzy butt writes: hey its Hoffa, you know the Jimmy type
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fuzzy butt writes: Today on Fishing with Scourge, we leard the tricks of the trade.
Scourge" well you gotta gig deep if you want them big earth worms, AND everone knows that the bigger the bait the bigger the Bass"
TheRoMan writes: Damn you Cyclonus...why did you touch her? -"Its just a blow up sex doll Scourge" - It is not! Its an action figure. - "And thats just what I gave it, some action Scouge...HA, HA, HA! I'm so evil."
TheRoMan writes: The day finally came when Cyclonus learned, the Arcee blow up doll can't handle a 13 ton Robot on it.
fuzzy butt writes: After a long talk with his agent, Scourge realizes the his real talent is in the Farming industry
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge was beyond words he just was never the same since finding the decomposing body of Twinkie the Kid apparently Twinkie had overdosed several months ago....
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge pulls a Jason Williams and vaporizes Soundwave.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"What the it's a head buried in the desert."
Head,"I am B4."
Scourge,"Crap one of us is in the wrong movie."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Why is it always my job to squeeze Unicron's zits?"
Ultra Wheelshot writes: Sourge: Where oh where did my cantact lenses go?
Starscream: (off scream) Please someone just kill me.
Galvetron: (off screen) I thought you were dead
DeltaOmega writes: I have destroyed it. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
(sand castles. For those who want to play in the real world.)
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fuzzy butt writes: Galvatron " Scrouge we gotta talk, I think that you have a eating problem"
Scourge" Yes yes its true, all I do Is eat purge eat purge"
fuzzy butt writes: Are you a 120 ton weakling, do the guys at the beach steal your gal cause your too small.
Well try Scourge's instant weight gainer and you too can be one of the bigger kids on the block. Order now while supplies last!
( to be used with Scourge�
fuzzy butt writes: Galvatron" OK scourge where are you?"
Scourge" Char "
Galvaton " whom do you hate? "
Scourge " the autobots "
Galvatron " what is your name "
Scourge " Bo Bo the magic Sand Flea "
AirFlare writes: No one will find me lucky charms
ruination writes: "her name is RIO and she dances on the sand"
fuzzy butt writes: Now lets see, I dug the hole....
oh yea the words I gotta say the words and then I go home Now lets see...

Klatta Veratta ni nick ... nictie nicksow...
fuzzy butt writes: "right, come look what I've found! It's the deadly Char sand flee. Now this guy looks to be a bit cranky, but I should be ok, cause I've painted my fingers all sorts of colors ..
fuzzy butt writes: OOHHH, I'm a lumber Jack..err sand digger and thats OK cause I drink all night and dig all day. I paint me fingers girly colors and hate the auotbots. Soooooooo
I'm a Lumber Jack....err sander digger and thats ok, cause all my friends think t
fuzzy butt writes: And yes you too can have that body of steel, just try Scougre's Digg'n too the oldies and you will see that flabby bod change into just 3 short weeks. Act now while supplies last
(may cause brain toumers, anal bleeding, balding , cranil-rectal
fuzzy butt writes: Now watch, after the adult Scourge has vomited the young will come out of hiding and chastize him for not bringing home the new Transformers Video Game
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fuzzy butt writes: U Justh wait you waskly wabbit u!
ReinaHW writes: Cyclonus- "I think Scourge has been playing that Sands of Time game too much, he's obsessed" Scourge- "Sand Zombies! Sand Zombies every where! WE'RE DOOMED!" Galvatron aiming his cannon- "Scourge, this is going to hu
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"OH CRAP A TEAR IN THE PLANET! ohhhhhh Galvatron's gonna kill me'snif'."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Hang on Pitfall Harry I'll save you from the Quicksand!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"What the hell vanilla pudding?! I hate vanilla pudding. Who's supplying the Autobots with weapons?! Bill Cosby?!"
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge Learns the hard wya he should keep his keys on a ring
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge: yes finally my send away model of Dune is done
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge being the smart mechanoid that he is wisely hides a secret cache in his underground hidey hole.
It contains:
100 MiB Fortress Maximus's
100 Mib Rodimus Primes
3000 asorted Mib Headmasters
10,000 G1 Megatrons

Fans meet your god Scourg
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"At last that damn Fracus is gone.Stupid Targetmasters."
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"There.Well that took longer than I thought,but I'm finally done building the planet Char."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"WAIT A MINUTE! Char is made of cheese?"
fuzzy butt writes: after running out of T.P. Scourge is left with only sand to wipe with.
fuzzy butt writes: " they laughed at me for buying this gold mine, but who laugh, wait this isn't real gold its FOOL'S GOLD NOOOOOOO!!!!!
fuzzy butt writes: After slagging his girlfriend Scourge realizes that he has a real anger management problem
fuzzy butt writes: Megatron" yep he's snapped.."
Prime " what was your first clue, the goffer impression or was it his singing like a Dozer?"
Scurge" We work all day, we work all night..."
fuzzy butt writes: with gas prices reaching new highs, Scourge decides to dig his oil well.
"I show you, Dam oil mongrals, I'll flood the market and make millions, millions!!"
TheRoMan writes: "My shaving cream, My shaving cream!.....Finally we now know why he was stuck with that fu-man-chu.
trailbreaker writes: Scourge accidentally buried the treasure map instead of the treasure....
trailbreaker writes: "Oh no! I dropped my Twinkies!"
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AirFlare writes: Mission Success, Scourge has buried RiD and Armada.

Scourge: "There....dead and buried"
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge was just a bit confused when he was given "pooper scooper" duties for the week on Ravages Littler Box
Glad Wrap writes: At last, I have found the location where Unicron hid my razor. Once cleanly shaven I shall kill Rodimus Prime!
Cybertronic writes: Soon I shall have a beach on char!!!
quadrunner writes: Putting Black Cats in ant holes is fun, now let's try an M-80!!
quadrunner writes: Galvatron, are you SURE this is how to clean a litter box?
Grendel writes: La La La, Playing in the sand! Wheee!
turbo97 writes: Damn the t-shirt was right, Im out of places to hide the bodys
sagekilla writes: no one will know i buried megatrons body here, no one, i hope..
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Damolisher writes: Scourge: "There! Now, I can grow Energon out of the ground!"
fuzzy butt writes: Taking a big fat POOP
fuzzy butt writes: ypu know if you look at this pic up side down Scourge looks like a big fat BAT
fuzzy butt writes: now that Ive set the world on fire, its time to dig my getaway chamber
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Over here Cyclonus,this will be a lovely place for a picnic!"
turbo97 writes: WOW!, That was one hellva way to kill a minicon!!
turbo97 writes: Only after the fact does Scourge realize that putting a minicon into his model rocket wasn't the smartest of idea's
turbo97 writes: I don't see why the earth children like this stuff so much?
turbo97 writes: And soon I will unleash the unspeakable evil that is the, FIRE ANTS! upon the earth Mwaa hahaha!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge had a nice little side business going disposing of the excess celulite,removed during lyposuction,until the Federal Government stepped in.
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Emperor Primacron the 1st writes: I found witney houstins's stash!
Seeker72 writes: Scoop-Away Kitty Litter, when cleanliness really counts.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"Why is it I hafta clean up Char every time we throw a victory party.Well thank god we don't win too many battles."

Galvatron(offscreen),"I HEARD THAT SCOURGE!"
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge Realize dhe had made just one to many smart arse comments about galvatrons elader ship when he was given the taks of cleaning ravages litter box
Kal-Seth writes: Scourge upon seeing the evil of this new script unicron had sent the decepticons as a means of victory took it upon himself to bury it and protect eveyrone from the unspeakble evil that would become Transformers: energon
turbo97 writes: Ever dig a latrene and then, after it's too late, realize there is nothing to wipe with?
AirFlare writes: Looking into the sand of time, Scourge can see the future.

"Christ, they really f**ked up our many series by adding children and...what the HELL?! Minicons? The f**k are Minicons?"
Foallen writes: They always ask, where do I get more sweeps from... I make them out of sand. Each one is made with a touch of love.
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: Scourge, unable to find an old man to fake illness, had to tunnel into Vector with his bare hands... hence his raw, bleeding fingers.
Ratbat writes: I'll bury Metroplex's only unbroken eye here, Starscream. Then we'll go steal one of Trypticon's eyes. I just wanna get "our" mission over with!
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge carefully buries the person that was spamming the caption contest,and posting under NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE months ago,and made him change to NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE V2.0.
Ryan killed him,and I had Scourge get rid of the evidence,cause we gotta protec
Nightshadow writes: I wonder what happened to NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE 1.0 seeing as theres NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE 2.0..
turbo97 writes: Im digging a hole so I can bury myself to avoid the nobody loves wheelie posts
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"MY GOD,all of this came outta my nose when I sneezed,I need to se a doctor."
Nightshadow writes: The Treasure map says to dig here...but i cant find anything but dead mini cons and energon..
Clunky-Bonk! writes: Q. What do Transformers do when they've got a messy floor that needs cleaning?

A. They call in the "sweeps!"
Sumeone writes: slagit, i can't find my contact lens' *sobbing*
turbo97 writes: Join the army they said, see the world they said, all I ever do is dig! dig, dig, dig!

I should have joined the navy!
starscream25 writes: i will dig a hole as big as my head to be able to hide my head like an ostrich...
TheRoMan writes: Frosty! Nooooooooo, don't leave me!
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steve2275 writes: where's my transformers game i just had it
fuzzy butt writes: Finaly after months and months my scale model of the Grand Canyon is complete!!!
fuzzy butt writes: Hey Am I the Only one who noticed the Scourge is wraring finger nail polish? Perhaps he has finally come out and admitted that he realy isn't a transformer, but a TRANSVESTITE ....
fuzzy butt writes: one grain of sand , two TWO GRAINS OF SAND HA HA HA
Road Turtle writes: Aarragh! My fingers are raw from digging! When's Cyclonus comming back from that GWAR concert?
turbo97 writes: Here rabbit, Here rabbit, I wont hurt you, honest.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge stars in the Disney sequel to Holes,More Holes.
turbo97 writes: Nobody seems to understand him now that Scourge learned the joys of digging holes.
turbo97 writes: So this is where the Weapons of Mass destruction are hid!
turbo97 writes: Wow I found Jimmy Hoffa!
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SNAPCASE writes: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sand
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge's survey turns out better than expected,"Unicron's spawn,this planet is abundant in Rice Krispies,we'll be rich beyond our wildest dreams."
AirFlare writes: Recently, Scourge has discovered ancient bot symbols in the sand.
Scourge: "This means something...."

--Scourge sees a symbol of a bot flipping him the bird--
Pokejedservo writes: Leave it to a decepticon to find a wartorn desolete area to be a good place for some good old fashioned "Sandy Beach" fun.
Nightshadow writes: Hey i need some water for my sand castle here!
starscream25 writes: maybe if i keep digging i will get to china.... or at least find some prehistoric transformer like galvatron...hahaha....
Kevinus Prime writes: "BWANKIE!"
Kevinus Prime writes: Looking at the cave entrance, and the holy shroud, Scourge discovers the final resting place of Jesus Trion.
Kevinus Prime writes: "$*&#! Who has the rest of my treasure map??"
Kevinus Prime writes: "It says 3-5 years on the puzzle box, but it's only taken me 6 months!'
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Kevinus Prime writes: "I know I buried that bone around here..."
Draco614 writes: Sand covers all nice crisp sand.
Now no one will be the wiser.
turbo97 writes: Ughh I dropped my contact, can sombody help me find my contact, please sombody?, anybody?
turbo97 writes: Dont be like scourge, Always call before you dig!
turbo97 writes: Maybe i buried the treasure here?
fuzzy butt writes: Right I say that we build a large wooden badger, err sand badger
fuzzy butt writes: ugh scourge say three autobots pass this way one maby two days kemofloppy
ArctosPrime writes: Scourge, you just found the marble in the oatmeal! you get to drink from THE FIRE HOSE!
Ultra Wheelshot writes: Scourge: Hey look I'm making a sand castle (Starscream lands on it) Scourge: Hey that wasn't very nice. SS: I see nobody building sand castles
Xorn writes: Scourge ~ Hey guys, I think I found where they buried Season 4 scripts!
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Castle74 writes: This means something.....
Arkhaon writes: Scourge tracks the mole who ruined his garden.
AirFlare writes: "Galvatron decided to play Hide And Go Seek at the Deceptacon picnic....Ha!, They won't find me here"
Shermtron writes: Unicron:Behold Scourge the Tracker...
7THSON writes: After the discovery of Viagra, the only thing Scourge turned down was an old Alderbanian smuggler- and he turned him face down.
7THSON writes: This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes. This is the way we wash our clothes-so early in the morning.
SNAPCASE writes: My sand. My lovely sand.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "My not fair there was time now ........"
quadrunner writes: Now, all I have to do is find the bulldozer and my castle will be where is it? OH YEAH, I was using it for target practice today, NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!
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Carlos_Oliviera_U.B.C.S. writes: NOOOOOO!!! ALL MY COCANE!!! IT'S ALL RUINED!!!!
Gallonos writes: My turn to bury people... Where's Megatron?
SNAPCASE writes: Sand. I love you.
Happy Noodle Blacker writes: Don't upset him. He's running out of places to bury bodies.
Sixwing writes: "I know I burried that bong here somewhere!"
Spartanion writes: Scourge: Why didn't anyone tell me to bring the pooper scooper with me when I agreed to take Ravage for a walk...
_Max_ writes: "Must...find...copy!"
Lunarcloud writes: Where the ---- are my Lucky Charms?!
Diablocon writes: And here we see a Scourge in it's natural habitat, playing around in the sand. If anyone dares approach his sand, he'll vicously protect it.

Next week on Transformer's Nature Walk, RiD Scourge.
AirFlare writes: "Damn it ,sure, it was fun burying Galvatron in sand, neck high, but...I didn't know there would be a high tide....Gotta find him"
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AirFlare writes: Scourge never made many friends back in Kindergarten. He used to play all by himself in the sandbox at recess. Some say it was the neglect from the other little bots that made him a sociopath Deceptacon. More to come on Behind The Scenes: Transformers
Binaltech Bombshell writes: Scourge:Cyclonus' brain will be the nerve center of "Los Braingeles"!
Blitzkriegh writes: Galvatron- Why oh WHY is scourge playingin the sand?
Cyclonus- Starscream....but thats my guess...
Starscream's Ghost- Unicron said that revive amulet was somewhere around here!!!
turbo97 writes: BAD scourge!!, BAD! in the toilet, not there! DO IT IN THE TOILET!
fuzzy butt writes: now lets see first I took that left turn in Albuquerque,......
turbo97 writes: Now as soon as i find my @#$@! keys we can go home.
Foallen writes: Galvatron: Scourge... If you want to keep the kitty you have to clean the kitty litter!
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: "Slag! Why is it, every time we go to Dairy Queen, it's MY Butterfinger Blizzard that gets spilled?"
-Ry- writes: Little did scourge know but planting marijuana on cybertron IS illegal
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"First I plant the seed then I tend the seed then I harvest the seed."
Galvatron(offscreen),"What's wrong with Scourge?"
Cyclonus(offscreen),"TV LAND had a 48hr marathon of Green Acres."
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Damolisher writes: "Wondersand my ass! I paid that merchant good money, and this is just normal sand from EARTH!!!"
Phasewing writes: Nnnooooooooooo!! You broke my ant farm, Cyclonus! *Cyclonus goes O_o* So? *Scourge attempts to gather the dirt and the ants.*
Silent writes: I remember when I had a sandbox like this one when I was young, but it was much smaller.
Sumeone writes: Scourge: slag-it,
i'd wish i bought that metal detector on e-bay
Frostic_Prime writes: Tyrone from Dave Chapelle shos: Oh snap Scourge u gon' use all that cuz...I gotta tell you sumn Scourge...I smoke energon Rocks...
energonexpress writes: I can't believe what those jerks did to my hands while I was asleep. And they even buried the polish remover. I think I need to go wake Unicron up.
Firewalker writes: Scourge: "Y'arrrrrr! Where be my booty?"
Casual Matt writes: Dangit! I knew I shouldn't have let Galvatron guard my sandcastle.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Finally one Transformer stepped foward,and killed the worst character in Transformer history.Here lies Wheelie.There was much celebrating that day.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge bury's the abomination that is RiD Scourge.

Scourge is dead,long live Scourge!
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USDA Prime writes: Scourge: "Behold, Scourge City! The greatest city ever! Here's the bank, and here's the high school, and look here's town hall! And best of all, only Scourge's are allowed to live here!"
TriSaber writes: Scourge: "Bah! I hate latrine detail!"
Jaw Crusher writes: Scourge figured if he spent all day digging in the searing sand on Charr like he was actually looking for something, the Decepticons wouldn't question why it was that his fingertips were pink...
thexfile writes: Scourge finds his antfarme has been distroyed.
and alquida has just released a tape on which they claim ful responsabilety for the deed , and if the desepticons don't start fighting as alies more drastic acts wil follow
thexfile writes: Scourge : ( findes the remains of his fearlus leader , starts krieing ) i've always loved you boe hoe , why why why , i wish i was dead , why did'nt they take mee.... boe hoe , starscreem just wo'nt be the same leader you were boe hoe.
thexfile writes: Scourge : ( snezez loudly , flem flies out ) o my god i'm sik , i hate cybetronian fleu
thexfile writes: if your wondering what hapend to the cremated remain's of hitler and eva von braun , well they seemd to dissapire , but they were secretely shipt to cybertron and burried there
thexfile writes: this hapes when your stuk to long in the sibertronian deserd , part from al the radiation you go insane----Scourge : it's gold i tel you GOLD gold , and it's al mine !!!
thexfile writes: you know that some people idolize the ground famus men/women walked on like a peace of footie pitch , well Scourge has just done de deal of his life withe some unamed US general and bought himself some actual sand that was inside sadam's hidiehole ,
ReinaHW writes: "Now I shall create my own empire! Sand castles, arise! I AM THE SAND MASTER! Ravage, touch this and die!"
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Acelister writes: Scourge kept going on "Secret missions" to Earth, just so he could make a Beach on Chad.
Acelister writes: At the beginning of time...
Scourge: "I would make these "Human" 's in my own image, but I only have sand to work with..."
Acelister writes: Scourge: "Uh oh, best get this back in my head before the other's see!"
Ecto writes: Galvatron*off ot the side*: What are you doing Scourge?

Scourge: I'm looking for the ol' Atari game E.T. that was buried here in New Mexico.

Galvatron*still to the side*: Why do you want the game?

Scourge: Because I want to use it for e
TurboHammer writes: Dang I lost my contact,Starscream get down here and help me find it.
Ratbat writes: I'll hide Metroplex's unbroken eye here, Starscream, and we'll try to steal one of Trypticon's eyes. Let's hurry! I want to complete YOUR mission!!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: While most Decepticons would never have the courage to say something to his face for fear of retribution,Scourge thought it best that he keep his Hot Pink nail polish in a safe place away from others.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Scourge,"I'll just hide Metroplex's wallet here while...ungh,"Starscream,"His wallet you moron we needed his eyes!",Scourge,"Really...oh crap.",Starscream,"Crap is right.IDIOT!" Starscream uses Scourges fi
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "my wonderful sand castle destroyed....nnnnngghhhhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!DAMN YOU ULTRA MAGNUS!!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: A little known fact Scourge covers his scat,just as most feline's do.
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: In his spare time Scourge made extra money for the Decepticons,with his metal detector.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Hopefully no one will find Galvatron's insane script.Armada indeed."
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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