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Kup holding an Energon goody

The Ultimate Caption Contest

Kup holding an Energon goody
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271 captions have been posted for this image so far ...
trailbreaker writes: Kup finds the prize at the bottom of the cereal box.
trailbreaker writes: Kup - “Check out my new Laser Tag belt !”
trailbreaker writes: “Got it on Amazon for only $5 !!”
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 writes: Bah weep grah nah weep nini bong
trailbreaker writes: Tastes like chicken.
digigirl411 writes: You can have it but only if you can do some tricks first.
WreckerJack writes: My Rodimus, your nipples are hard. Oh wait that is just someone's arm. My bad.
Rainmaker writes: Kup: Come get your Energon Sticks! Includes Energon, *lists more ingredients*
Hot Rod: HOLY
Decepticon Stryker writes: Kup: "That's right. This is the last one and I'M going to eat it! Hahahaha-" Kup was never seen again.
Gogeta5026 writes: Hot Rod: Come on Kup, hurry it up!
Kup: Hey little shark, you want some candy?
Kup: C'mon you can trust me, an ol' Autobot!
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Frenchhorngirl writes: "Here's a glow sti... I mean an energon goody!"
Zeedust writes: Hot Rod: "Are you SURE this is the best way to dispose of the Dark Energon?"
Kup: "What's the worst that could happen?"
Neither bot was ever seen again, and the zombie Sharkticons roam Quintessa to this day.
Zeedust writes: "Your father's lightsaber. An elegant weapon from a more civilized... Wow, this thing is tiny."
SentinelA writes: Would you like to eat this glowstick?
Dragonoth writes: Mega-Octane brand energeon snacks, the treats that give you a burst of energy to keep you running in top gear, is now made with Carbomyan oil to make you feel like you just rolled off the assembly line!

Kup: "Nine out of ten Gatorcons agree: Mega-
Kamakaze Thrower writes: Hot Rod: You know, it'd be better if you had more of those.

Kup: What do you mean?

*looks at crowd of sharkicons*

Kup: Ah. Crap.

Hot Rod: What?

Kup: ...I only brought one.

Hot Rod: Uh...

*looks at sharkicons*

Hot Rod: RUN!!!
Scatterlung writes: Kup:
Hot Rod: Must be some screwy energon...
DestronMatrix writes: Kup:"come on arcee, whould you do it for an energon goody."

Arcee:"no you sick perv!"

Kup:"two energon goodys then, please"
Lich Lord Dranas writes: Kup was later arrested by the Quintessons for giving drugs to their guards.
Roadshadow writes: Kup: Behold, my penis!
Hot Rod: Dear lord! (Runs away for Kup to be eaten by alligatorcons)
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Zeedust writes: Kup bursts into song again, and Hot Rod stands off to the side and pretends not to know him.
Masterpiece Prowl writes: Kup:(talking like a hot dog vendor at a ballpark) Energon! Get your Energon here!
Alicon: I'll take 8!
ShYnE writes: Kup: Ba weet Grana weet ninnybon.
Hot Rod: Lay off the scooby snacks Kup.
Dragonoth writes: Kup: "Don't worry, they'll reciprocate."
Hot Rod: "How do you know, Kup?"
Kup: "This is just like the time on Kessel. Wait, that's when I was nearly killed by the energy spider for stealing spice…"
Zeedust writes: Quintesson Judge: "Mister Kup, you are out of order!"

Kup: "I'm out of order? You're out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order! You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Quintesson! I'd show you, but
Kit writes: only 25 a gram!
Not Sonic writes: I wonder if its crunchy..
Thanatos Prime writes: Kup:*if you can beat them, have them die slowly from glowing ciggaretes!*
Jetstreamx writes: Kupp: Get yer box of energon blunts! energon bongs! Make yerself happy. Why I remember the time I first smoked one...

Hotrod: Okay Kupp, I think they buy it.
Angie Prime writes: Sharkicon: A SHINY!!!!! I LIKES SHINIES!!!!!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeessssss..... ^^
Kup: O_O;; Walk away, lad. Nice and casual.
Hot Rod: Running time!
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octanius prime writes: HEY DO I GOT THE "RAW" LOOK NO FURTHER.
Greg writes: Hey! Food!
No! Don't Eat It! Its Poisonous To Dings!
Kal-Seth writes: After suffering a massive head wound in battle the other autobots worry that kup may not be as "user friendly" as he was

Hotrod: kup give up the light stick!
Kup: no it's my light stick it's god come to me he says that my damaged i
SoulReaver writes: how much for some Baa Weep Grar Naa Weep Ninibon!? OK OK I'LL PAY but only because Arcee is on the blob for the next week and I cant wait that long!!!!
Demona writes: behold! my GLOWING TWINKIE OF DEATH!!!
p3rc3pt0r writes: Kup: ok big boy, lower your pants !
Offscreen robot: but....
Kup: I remember that time...
Hot Rod: please, lower them !!!
Brakethrough writes: What the blazes?! Some crazy kids tried to install underlighting on me while I was asleep! Gah!
GunWolf writes: WWWWEEEEEEE!! Man this s*** is awesome.
OffScreen Bot: You're messing up the rotation, you old fool!Puff Puff Give DAMMIT!
Soda Pop Kurtis writes: Kup: WOW!!! I never knew a Metallica concert would be this awesome.
Kal-Seth writes: Kup: cool glow stick see how it makes me smile
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Kal-Seth writes: Kup: here try some the humans call it.... oh what was it oh yea Scinide it tastes very good
Nightshadow writes: Kup: Mama always used to say, Life is like a box of Energon, you never know what your ganna get.
Tiedye writes: Kup- "HotRod gave me this to snack on...Munch..."He said the humans call it...What was it again..Munch...Oh yeah a laxitive..He said humans eat it all the time and it must be good because he was smileing when he gave it to me.....&qu
Unknown writes: I don't even wanna know where that's been.....
Unknown writes: Kup: My precioussss.
Hot Rod: I knew I shouldn't have let him see Lord of the Rings.
Optimus Prime, Jr. writes: A scene from the Prophetic Episodes.
Zeedust writes: TF:TM out-takes! TAKE ONE. Kup: "I'll use the universal greeting! Bah weep granola weep..." Hot rod: "GRANOLA weep?" Kup: "SLAG IT!" TAKE TWO Kup: "I'll use the universa
Scooter writes: Kup: Okay, I showed you mine now show me YOURS...
Unknown writes: Hot Rod: I don't think they're keen on the Petro-rabbits story... Kup: No? Hmm...uh, HEY GUYS! CHECK OUT THIS PURPLE TURD!
Unknown writes: Kup: "Hey I chopped off Et's magic finger!"
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Dash Trigger writes: Sharkticon: Hey! Where's the cream filling?
Unknown writes: Kup, I really think they don`t want to see that!!
Galvatron writes: KUP- I found this in Arcee's dresser!!! It runs off energon no batteries needed! ha-ha-ha!!!
Unknown writes: Kupp: "MUNCHIES!!!!!"
PredaKing writes: Hot Rod: "Well Kup, at least your not giving them Viagra"
Unknown writes: I got an enernegon goodie, duh-hur. My, you sharketicon are some sexxyyyy robot-type thingiess.
Shadow Fox writes: Heh..I 'know' what this looks like but autobots don't need pleasure divices, trust me it taste good.
Unknown writes: LMAO! Nice! :-D
Star Saber writes: The Cybertronian way of the Hawaiin Hello Greeting.
Longshot writes: Eliot
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Unknown writes: Kup:"So, who wants to smoke radioactive crack? It'll either give you the best high of your life...or your head will explode!" Stupid Sarkticon:"Gimme!!Gimmegimmegimme!!" Hot Rod:"Freakin' drug
Unknown writes: ROD:Dude where did u get that
Kup: man i snuck into the girls shower
Rod well what is it??
it seems a device to absorb messes?
Rod: where can we get one
Kup idk if i have ever seen a guy carry around stuff like this
ROD: well maybe that is why arce
Unknown writes: Kup: "This is the tampon of death! HEHEHEHEEEE!" Rodimus: "Neither tampon nor energon.... KUP! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT DRUGS!? DIIIIIIIEDIEDEIDIEDIEEEEE!!!"
Bruticus writes: Hot Rod: "Kup, don't give away our energon!"
Kup: "It's not energon, lad."
Hot Rod: "Then what is it?"
Kup: "I stole one of Arcee's tampons."
Zeedust writes: Kup: "Someone needs toi help us get into the haunted fortress Galvatron is in."
Sharkticons: "Uh-uh!" "No way!" "Are you CRAZY?" "Haunted fortress? What the SLAG?&q
Alphatron2k3 writes: Kup: Here is a little item from a long time ago and a Galaxy far far away, Got it from a little human said it was a pure and simple weapon. All its good for is a toothpick or a peeling knife. I have a whole box of'em. Come and get them.

NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Kup,"You know screw it I don't know what it is, and I don't care."
Zu Darkness writes: ******The Remake of Transformers the Movie********

Hot Rod: Kup remember the last time you did this what happened to us

Kup: Don't worry offer them an engeron goddy they'll reencypted it.

Hot Rod: This is really getting expen
Galvatron writes: KUP-"Darth Vader...Eat your heart out!"
Shadowskipper writes: Eh, when you get to my age the occasional laxative helps.....
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Deaths_Sk8er writes: Kup: I wonder what will happen if I stick this up your ass?
Hotrod: NOOOOOOO...
Unknown writes: "Wow! Look what came in my box of Cracker Jack!"
Unknown writes: "May impare your ability to operate heavy machinery." Kup you dickweed ..I'm not even gonna say it.
Unknown writes: Hot Rod:"You expect us to swallow that thing?"
Kup: "Good news! It's a suppository!" (Futurama)
SeekerInAFakeMoustache writes: "I don't care if it's a rare gold-foil version or not; I wasn't into Pokemon cards when they were popular, and I'm certainly not into them now."
tf dutchie writes: Kup: Here sharky-boy wanna have a cookie? Hotrod:Throw it away!
Unknown writes: kup, Ireally don`t think this is time for that sort of thing...
Unknown writes: Kup,"I won it in a poker game I have no idea what it is,pretty though ain't it?" Hot Rod,"Kup, its a urinal cake."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Transformer Theater:Kup and Hot Rod reinact the fameous chum scene from Jaws.
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Mike D writes: Kup: Ok Lad,this is the last piece of sharction chow i'll throw it in the air and run while you distract em'!

Hotrod: No Kup,not this time.
Unknown writes: "Hey Jaws, come here"(feeds goodie to sharkticon who promptly explodes)"Now put that in your pipe and smoke it, beastie."
thexfile writes: Kup : look guis im like homer from " the simpsons" ( does the voice ) " hohhhh" ( wants to trow it away like homer ) the rest : " kup NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
thexfile writes: Kup : look hotrod i've got myself this set of ilegal fireworks hey are like a mini atom bomb hihihih anybody want some just 1 euro a peace...?? " ( the rest ) " only 1 euro waw that is cheap gimmi some"
thexfile writes: ( for al the old peeps out here you'll know this 1 ) Kup " and do you know what we are going to write withe the magig pan today ?? yes it is the letter A for armada is crap.... and that is up and down and acros.... again that is up and d
Bombshell writes: Kup: Look what Unkie Kup found in your ear, a quarter!
Hot Rod: Oh crap, are we dead.
Starscream NZ writes: this reminds me of the time on Earth where some little humaniod won a gold ticket and got to go to a magical factory......these sharkthingys look friendly enough, i hope they have a interesting factory to explore
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm tell'in you open up,and I'll cap your tooth with this.This is gonna make the gold tooth trend look as old as the clock around the neck phase."
Jade writes: Look what happened to my sea monkeys!!!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Who wants to lick my ring pop?"
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Unknown writes: Come here. I have candy!
giga-galvatron writes: Kup: Ok pal. Its 20 for a dime and 100 for sack.
Unknown writes: Kup:Rave Time! Hotrod:O.K. I'm outta here.
Jade writes: I wonder what will happen if I add this to earths water supply?
punycron writes: "I see my swartz isn't nearly as big as yours..."
Unknown writes: Phone home!
Unknown writes: Kup -- "I left the meatloaf in the microwave too long!"
Unknown writes: Alright..I got the glow sticks..let's hit the club!!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Kup,"Alright everybody settle down.Yes it's building toward detination,but it does have an off switch,and it is kinda pretty...." Hot Rod,"Uh...Kup could you turn it off now? Kup? Kup?! KUP? KUP!..." BOOOOOOOOO
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Kup,"Alright everybody settle down.Yes it's building toward detination,but it does have an off switch,and it is kinda pretty...." Hot Rod,"Uh...Kup could you turn it off now? Kup? Kup?! KUP? KUP!..." BOOOOOOOOO
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Kup,"Alright everybody settle down.Yes it's building toward detination,but it does have an off switch,and it is kinda pretty...." Hot Rod,"Uh...Kup could you turn it off now? Kup? Kup?! KUP? KUP!..." BOOOOOOOOO
Maltaltin writes: Best looking twinkie ever
Maltaltin writes: OH so thats where I put the reactor core!
Unknown writes: It's good to talk.
Unknown writes: Kup:Oh look! I have some magnesium on fire! And it's blinding my eyes permently!
Hot Rod: AH! My eyes!(Rips off a Sharkticon's arm)
Hot Rod: Ha-Ha! I now have a convenient shield! Now that old **** will be blinded and I will become lea
Unknown writes: Kup: This reminds me of the time I swiped the last Energon Wookie Cookie from Arcee....

Hot Rod: So that's how that missile got there.
Unknown writes: Cup: Baweepgrahnaweepninybob!
Hotrod: And to think it actualy works
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Kup treats Hot Rod to his first trip to the Roboboy Bath House & Massage Parlor
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Tonight at 8:00pm on Transformers:Mysteries & Scandels:Kup's darkest moment came when he was busted during an undercover sting operation.Here for the first time is footage of once Autobot hero scalping tickets to an undercover officer(dre
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I tell you lad this is what I like best about New York City,where else are get a world class dinner,a broadway show,and homeless guys beggin for money.Here you go pal.QUICK,Hot Rod kick'em while he's distracted.It's fu
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Unknown writes: Hey guys i got my new rod extention today!
thexfile writes: did you know that kup has the same special finger E.T. had now for the 1st time cought on picture , only kup is angry now and is giving al the outobots this glowing finger
thexfile writes: Kup : oke and that is 1 for you and 1 for you (etc.) , waw this new earth custom you cal halloween is great hotrod .... (to hand)"and how are you suposed to bee ??? waw you are convincing you realy look like galvatron "
thexfile writes: Kup : hey guis anybody want a special kup delux sybertronian peace of blow ?? , i made it myself honest...
Unknown writes: Kup: Okay, this enrgon goody and the boy, but that's my final offer.
Unknown writes: Kup: Well look what we found Sharky.
Hot Rod: Jesus Kup, you did you have to give a cavity search just for that lousy piece of energon?
Kup: You can't be too sure these days.
Autobrat writes: Alright I'll try one.
Unknown writes: Kup: Back in my dad, we didn't have people to sell us cheap-quality food during baseball games. You should consider yourself fortunate, lad. Hotrod: Uhuh. Sure, Kup.
Unknown writes: I pull this out of my exhaust pipe... Wanta taste?
Unknown writes: Here eat this and it should clear up the constipation... on a side note, you may want to cut back on eating Hotrod... he'll give ya gas.
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Raziel writes: "I dont remember eating that"
Mkall writes: Eat these regularly. They're better than the Subway Diet
Ayleighkay writes: BooYah! Glowing purple light thingy and a Green Toaster!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "This my lad is the newest download of the Metallica song 'Frantic'look carefully record companies I'm SHARING this file with my Sharckticon friend,he is NOT stealing it.I repeat SHARING,not STEALING."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "If you liked the Plenty,your gonna love the Good."
Vector Maximus writes: I need you to turn around and pull down your pants... This might be a little cold.
Unknown writes: Forgetting the Universal greeting (due to his advanced age), Kup pulls out an Energon glowstick and RAVES! hoping it will distract the Skarkticons.
Jade writes: Seibertron flea market:
How much for the big arm the kid has?
Scantron writes: Kup: That's right, that's right...the first hit's free. No, it's good, c'mon, don't you trust me? You'll love it. Try some, you pansy.
Hot Rod: Word.
Unknown writes: Ah hey?! thats where I put that damn thing
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Unknown writes: kup: "hey guess what this is!?" rodimus, "I don't know man what is it?" kup, " its QuaaaaaaaaakE!!"
Suzuki writes: KUP: You are getting sleepy, very sleepy . . . Hey kid, I think it’s working! HOT ROD: Zzzz . . .
Unknown writes: What were those words again? Oh yeah.. "Clattu Veratta, Nikto!"
Deceptiman writes: The Energon Express Platinum! One Ultimate Card You Cant Go Without!
Unknown writes: No, wait don't eat that. Whoa! You jast ate more acid than anyone I've ever seen eat before!
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: 1985:Define Energon. A valued substance vital to the continued life of all Transformers.
2004:Define Energon. A very bad product marketing idea that may stop all Transformer life.
tuxedoblurr writes: I see your schwartz is as big as mine!
jojo writes: Here, have this. And the boy. Bye!
TheRoMan writes: Kup -"Sharkticon, do you take this energon ring as a symbol of your love for Hot Rod?" Sharkticon-"MMMmmm...I Do?" Kup-"Very well, I now pronounce you Man and Shark...Hot Rod, you may now kiss the Shark.&q
Stormcrow writes: Hey, this came outta me. Whattya think?
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Unknown writes: Gun - 300 energon
Sword - 400 energon
Disruptor Rifle - 500 energon

Getting to kick some Sharkticon butt .... PRICELESS!!!

The Energon Card
Unknown writes: The Energon Card... It's everywhere you want to be!
Pokejedservo writes: Kup Autobot Veteran, Experienced Soldier, Glowing Bubble Gum Salesman?! Heh it could be worse he could be trying to give them glowing Malt Liquor.
Mike D writes: Kup: Look lad, Do you Know what this is?

Hot Rod: No,Kup What?

Kup: My Boy it is one of my hemmroids.

Hot Rod(whale running off only to be eaten by Sharcticons later.)Hell No
Unknown writes: The first hit is always free.
Unknown writes: Okay You Primitive screw heads...This is my "BOOM STICK"!!!
Unknown writes: "Kup phone home...Be good, El-li-ott!"
Unknown writes: This reminds me when Europeans came to America and fooled the natives with worthless junk.
Unknown writes: Wait till Arcee sees what I have bought for Christmas, a superduperglowinthedarkdidildo!!
Mike D writes: Sharcticons: Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

Kup: OK OK! I'll give you the f***in energon goody! Damn!
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Unknown writes: Kup: That chili really makes it glow! Look!
Vector Maximus writes: Hey cool!!! If you squeeze 'em hard enough... they're butts light up!
Mike D writes: kup (to sharcticons): You can have the whole box for $200.00. I ripped em' off from a im jamaka.

Hotrod (whispering) Really!

Kup (to Hotrod whispering): Naw,I made em from a mix of Optimis' chili and a Big Mac.
TheRoMan writes: I know its so cool...I didn't even know it came with this Batman Utility Belt I bought at KB Toys. And it even lights up, look!
TheRoMan writes: Hey, Adkins related to Dr. Atkins?
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm start'n my own matrix from a kit I bought at KMart.Hot Rod,Sharkticon you guys are gonna start it off.Sacrifice yourselves.Go a head hop to it lads."
Tasins writes: when mud gets dry it becomes dirt....when dirt gets wet it becomes MUD!!!
Triggerbot writes: I sold Saddam his Plutonium-Glow-in-the Dark-Sticks!
autocon writes: Get yur energon churros here! energon churros!
tremor3258 writes: And if you buy now, your energon goody comes with a ginsu knife AND a George Foreman grill! (and it really, really works)
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Unknown writes: kup is so pleased... he actually won the ebay auction for arcee's tampon... mmm smells like someone needs to dusch... butter!
Unknown writes: Who wants a cookie?
Jade writes: Who wants seiberprunes?
Jade writes: I don't need your stinkin matches!!
Jade writes: Damn! I've had this candy bar in my wallet for so long its radioactive!!!
Unknown writes: "Great! I steal Prime's wallet for one lousy energon buck???
Unknown writes: "It's all I got, baby! Is it enough for a hand job???
Unknown writes: "Energon he's living...the High Life."
Unknown writes: ",,,,and, it's on the Adkins list for low carbs!!"
Unknown writes: Kup holds the Hypnotizer in front of the Packers.."Youuu will lose to the willl lose to the Cardinals....and Favre you will thow straight to the wrong team on third and goal FOR NO APPARENT REASON!!!"
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Unknown writes: The Cavemanocons tremble when Kup shows them FIRE!
Unknown writes: "Here! It's Wheelie's brain! Eat it!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Ha noooooo it's not addictive."
Ricochet writes: Kup: Hot Rod look! I found an energon goodie in my box of Electron Trix cerial!
Kup writes: that is the only one i have so don't waist it OK!!!!!...
gLOVES1000 writes: hot rod"we can get away if we give the pot ta these crazy alagator creatures"
kup"or we could just smoke it"
gLOVES1000 writes: this is the funnyest peace of weed ive ever seen
unicrons_hand writes: "baweep grana weep ninny put this in your bong and smoke it"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Give it to the Sharkticon he'll eat anything."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: Sorry,we can't all come up with gems like Scooby snacks can we?
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Unknown writes: Energon!!! Come get yer energon while it's still glowing!!
Arkhaon writes: there.....wanna buy some stuff....pure energon....makes your head just spin off
Unknown writes: is that sharkticon moving towards the energon goody or cup's crotch???
TheRoMan writes: "Really, these things are quite usefull. One time in a prison colony on Nimbus 3, I shaved one of these babies down into a knife and shanked a guy. That was the last time he forced me to toss his selenium salad."
Unknown writes: And its all thanks to my little blue friend...
Shermtron writes: Here kid now go to hell
krukid writes: It's it's......I don't know.
Unknown writes: The world's smallest light saber
Unknown writes: "Hey look, it's a prize at the bottom of the Fruit Loops box!"
Unknown writes: Kup: Ace of energon, i win. Now give me all your energon, and i can rule the universe. Bwahahahahaha. [Kup rips off face to reveal Megatron] Hot rod: oh........
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Unknown writes: Wow lad, these scoobie snacks really are something.
Optimus_Prime007 writes: Its a shame Arcee isn't here she can do a neat trick with one of these
Unknown writes: "Use this on Arcee and I promise she'll smile for days!" ;)
apex writes: Kup: ha ha little does he know that this is really a explosive. so much for the script writers plans
Unknown writes: I found it Rodimus, the golden Ticket, now off to wonka's Energon Factory.
little_fly writes: kup: i have a energon goddie for you
na we grana ne wep nini boing?? is that how they say hello ??
CenturionDroid writes: Kup: "Fetch the stick boy! Fetch!" -- Guards: *pant pant*
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: The Transformers:Thanksgiving Special(pictured above)Kup,and Hot Rod reinact the purchase of Manhattan from the savage Indianacons.
Replicator writes: Mommy told me it was good to's mine...all mine, hahaha...sorry
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I shall call it a barium swallow."
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "HOLY CRAP!HotRod how high you gotta keep this flame on your lighter I almost burnt my eyebrows off."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I can't help it,every time I see a glow in the dark condom I think of John Ritter." [Skin Deep ref.][RIP John]
Unknown writes: Hmm.. Well there's nothing in the traning manual on this, but I saw on an earth Televsions program that when an alien crashes on a planet, the first thing to do is to go around anally probing the locals... OK EVENYONE, SINGLE FILE! NO PUSHING,
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I'm gonna eat you Tinkerbell."
Unknown writes: Kup: "Ok Sharkticon, I've got some enercrack for you, but it'll cost ya." Hot Rod: "Enercrack? I thought it was an energon goodie?" Kup:"Silence boy, I'm trying to deal."
aeleven writes: Will 100 energons get me a hand buff job.
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Crap I drew the shortest straw I get to be a Energon remake."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Look at this I swiped from kid in Smallville it was green then."
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "These Listermint strips rock!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Hey lookie here lad your not the only one that can light our darkest hour.Speaking of which lad anything you can do about Armada?"
Dirge writes: Kup pays up for the
robostitute as Hot Rod touches her gigantic hand.
Dirge writes: Glowing Bar: We meet again Kup, although this time I have the advantage
Fangry writes: Behold...the power of cheese.
Unknown writes: Look, Lad. Look what I found in Arcee's closet. Know what it is? I dunno, but the box it was in said Ultra-Vibe Pleasure 2000 on it. Hmmmmmm.
Zeedust writes: Kup (in E.T. voice): "Ouch..."
Unknown writes: MMMMMM...Energon (Drool)
Ricochet writes: Kup: See Hot Rod, I am not a cheap bastard like you that saves an energon goodie for later on.
ionacus writes: i am just going to leave this one alone for now. i am gonna keep my head out of the gutter.
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ionacus writes: i am just going to leave this one alone for now. i am gonna keep my head out of the gutter.
Unknown writes: Kup: Behold, my penis!
Hot Rod: Dear lord! (Runs away for Kup to be eaten by sharkticons)
Bombshell writes: Kup: I know Galvatron's weakness! Delicious Hostess Energon Pies!
Galvatron: Curse you Autobot, I can't resist the flaky cobalt crust and radioactive filling!
Thus, millions of years of civil war ended thanks to Hostess Energon Pies!
Dark Warrior writes: Look I found a piece of metal that is radioactive. Oops :o
USDA Prime writes: Kup: "Whoa. Is my finger glowing?"
Unknown writes: And for the low price of $19.95, you too can make delicious energon cookies whenever you want!
Ultimate Optimus writes: "Ooooooooo...pretty!" Kup said as he started to drool at the bright, shiny object. Hot Rod just stared at his impending doom.
PlasmaRadio writes: Rodimus: "Dude, look at this giant arm I got! Im armed and dangerous!"
Aernaroth writes: During his mid-life crisis, Kup tried many things to be "hip" again. This photo was taken during the "CyBrTrn KNIGHTS Rave 2005".
Unknown writes: Look I got an energon cigarette.
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galvanostril writes: Kup: thank you for your donations to TBC. we will now play "monty python and the holy grale" sharktakons: BAH-WEEP-GRANA-WEEP-NINNY-BONG
Unknown writes: Once they consume all the Autobot-given energon goodies, the Sharkticons will soon revolt against the Quintessons
Unknown writes: Once the Sharkticons consume all the energon goodies given to them by Kup, they will become Kup's slaves
Unknown writes: Look, guys! I've got food!!! Come and get it!! :)
Unknown writes: Kup, don't move too much, or that Energon is not the only thing he'll take
Unknown writes: Kup: "Say, Rodimus? I think I figured out why Daniel's been so jumpy lately. Check out this energy-bar that just fell out of his backpack..." Rodimus: "Oh, great. The Decepticons are trying to corner the energy-bar ma
X-Brawn writes: Kup- Oh great!!! Do I really have to give them my lunch?
Hot Rod- I think you should, Kup. Otherwise the'll make their lunch from us.
Kup- So what?! It's my lunch and I'm gonna fight for it if I have to!
Unknown writes: KUP(In thought):As long as I say baweepgranaweepninibon, I won't be eliminated in Survivor:Quintessa. Hot Rod's on his own).
sideswipe6520 writes: This is the new wave in cybertronian condoms.
Slappyfrog writes: Aunt Elita's Energon Goodies--you can't have just one!!!
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Stormwolf writes: Kup:(in sharkticon language), please spare my life, you can have the boy and this pack of energon if you let me go.
AutobotJazz writes: "Now, you see boy, there was this one time on Beta 12 when I needed a hookerbot. All you do is offer some energon and the babes will be all over you."
Philastine writes: Kup: This has got to be the worlds smallest light saber EVER! Swoosh! Aw what the hell, just eat me!
Unknown writes: Kup teaches Hot Rod how to proposition Hookercons.
Unknown writes: Kup: Free beer-ahem, energon for all!
War Hammer writes: Remember rub it in over the rash area once a day !! and dont forget its for external use only !!!
npk writes: Here's a little trick I picked up from a Cajun back on what happens when I throw it at him!
davewelttf writes: Kup: Look! Energon flavored bubble tape
suddenly an arm grabs Hot Hod and then crunching sounds are heard
TheRoMan writes: "I love those spikes on your arms...but the whole Judas Priest look is over ."
Unknown writes: I got your spark... I got your spark... lick my fender and you can have it and your arm back.
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Unknown writes: And this is what fell out of Hotrod's exhuast five microns ago....
Prime Nova writes: Nows this is a hotrod
Fortress Maximus writes: "now Hot-rod, you don't get your energon dessert until you finish eating the whole arm."
"awwww Kuuuuup..."
Unknown writes: Nice sharkticon sit... good boy. Now remove your casing or no treat for you... thats a good mech... Whoa Hotrod I have a full on robo chubby.
Unknown writes: IT'S like a koala-bear CRAPED a rainbow IN my BRAIN!!!
demarcusgd writes: "Hey Hot Rod, I found this in Arcee's purse, why's it buzzing..."
Unknown writes: Bahwee[ grana" ahh ---- it " lets kick the sharkticons asses sp we can get on the rock the energon we will keep why give it to the
Unknown writes: Kup: Bahweep granawee-WHOA!!!
Sharkticon:Cut th` crap an` gimmie the Energon goodie,ALRIGHT!
Laserbot writes: Kup "This little light of mine, im gana let it shine, let it shine, let it shine...."
::sharkticon eats the energon:: Kup "Or not haaa!" ::runs::
Unknown writes: Kup "This little light of mine, im gana let it shine, let it shine, let it shine...." ::sharticon eats the energon::
Kup "Or not haaa!" ::runs::
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NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Hold on now that I've taken this glow stick out of my mouth what you lookin for my man,X,special k,shrooms,I got it all man.Whoa wait a minute your not a cop are you?"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "I've done it screw Wrigleys!"
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "So,then when the last signs of life began to fade I riped this right from Wreck-Gar's chest.You thought I was gonna say Wheelie didn't you? Well Wreck-Gar's just as annoying."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Whoa,look at this lad,looks like your little hot rod fell right off lad."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "O.K. here's your payment now go kill Wheelie." [sorry I'm a moron]
Jade writes: This one time at boot camp we took an energon cube and stuck it....
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "O.K. now here's your payment no go kill Wheelie."
Unknown writes: If Transformers had Priest, this is what they do to get little boy bots
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Well here's the problem I pulled this out of your rectum."
NOBODY LOVES WHEELIE writes: "Hey little boy want some candy?"
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Jade writes: Ha Ha I have the glowing ticket!
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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