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HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!! - THE SCORES ARE UP!!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:28 pm
by Psychout
For many cycles, the war that had raged across Seibertron had been quiet, small skirmishes broke out across the planet, but not enough to be noticed.

Then ... the noise began, a stirring, a call to arms, an Autobot warrior who craved for the war to begin anew. Some fellow Autobots stirred, while others were not heard from. The Decepticon forces heard the noises, they too put out a call to arms and many answered.

It began again with a small exchange, the troops of Bun-Bun took the war to the troops of Wingz. Aided by other teams both sides fought hard, with many Commanders proving themselves.

The spark had been lit, as machines came to life beneath Seibertron, the forces of war gathered above the surface, and now, the war, the Heavy Metal War, has begun anew!

WarPorn Industries and the RDD proudly present
HMW: The Campaign for Cybertron
When a hurricane hits the Hydrax Plateau,
thousands of sea creatures are swept up into tornadoes and deposited all over the district where they terrorize its residents and cause a media frenzy!
Can the Autobots and Decepticons save Hydrax Plateau whilst fighting off their enemies?

The B-Movie Battle for Hydrax Plateau is Almost Here!!
Opening on a HMW forum near you this Friday Thursday Night!
(sorry it'll be later than expected)

It's an all out war between the seas and the skies as creatures from the depths rise to take the lands for themselves, whilst the news helicopters fill the sky above - but they must beware, as even the smallest sea monster still has giant teeth!

Autobots and Decepticons, you must mobilize and destroy the terror from a 10,000 leagues before there is no more land to fight over whilst the media-choppers jostle for space, and your enemies seek to take advantage.

The hunt is simple;
  • Make an entry post in the 'signups' thread, following the instructions in 'the boring stuff' below.
  • Kill as many sea creatures and helicopter alts as you can in 1 week. The list of legal alts (around 50 of them on each side) is listed in the next post.
  • To be able to enter you must format either a sea creature- or helicopter-based alt onto at least one member of your team.
  • This is the character that will be used to determine your level bracket for the game.
  • Players may enter more than one level bracket, but may only enter once at each level.
  • ALL of your teams kills on target alts count.

To Enter, post in thr sign up thread with a link to your team and the character(s) you have chosen to reformat, along with their level(s) you are entering at.
Then, watch your mission logs.
When you get a kill on a target alt, edit the link into your original post making sure to list the victims name and time of kill.
Whoever has the most kills at the end of 1 week in each level bracket wins. In the event of a tie the number of higher level kills will be examined (e.g. number of level 11's killed, then 10s, then 9s etc.).

As usual, hunt tactics and game discussions can be added below, or started in the faction-specific forums.
(If you cant get into your factions private forum, nag Burn.)

Your reward for protecting Hydrax.

Pretty isn't it?

The Quintessons Finest warrior: For bringing the watery menace to heel, the top hunter of each level (from 0-11) will be given access to the powerful SHARKTICON altmode. This offer will be given once and will last until you chose to reset it.

Image <--- This dude!
PLEASE NOTE: There is no guarantee that it will come with any special tactics. That is the Admins call and his decision on this will be final. Awards will be discussed with the winners only.

And the Campaign for Cybertron continues!!
The winning FACTION will be the one that wins the most Sharkticons, and they will seize control of the Hydrax Plateau for their side - the first step in either defending or conquering our home planet!

Boring Stuff:
- Sign ups are required, found here, listing the Name, Chosen altmode and Level of the lead character from your team
- Player numbers will be assessed before the game starts and weighting may be put into place to even the sides. This will be announced as the game begins.
- Players can have as many game-relevant alts as they want in their team, but only one can count per level, which must be listed in advance.
- Cheaters penalty: removal (without notification/permission) of a hunted alt from a listed (qualifying) team member is grounds for instant disqualification.

And the entrants list is in!

Level 0:
Prof Stargazer
Jonah Howse
Doom Blades
BlacK Pearl

Gel Shark
Great Physician
Notional Enemy

Depth Charge
Grimlockness Monster


Naval Strike

Xenos Prime

Acid Drop

Asira Midnight




Steven String rescue
Moose Muncher

tl;dr: Kill the alts listed below, record your kills, and win.

So what is Heavy Metal War (HMW)?
HMW is's very own on-site Transformers game which will be celebrating it's 15th (yes, 15th!) anniversary in a few months.
It's simple.

• Choose your faction
• Create your troops (you can create up to 12)
• Deploy your troops to missions (or one-on-one arena battles)
• Beat up your enemies to earn XP and Energon
• Upgrade your bots
• Deploy, beat up, earn, upgrade, repeat.

The best part is, unlike most other Transformer based games, there are no loot boxes, you won't be attacked while you're away, you don't need to log in daily to collect bonuses, you don't need to meet expectations of overbearing alliances. In fact, unless you want to engage in the banter on the HMW Forums, you can dump and run in five minutes and then come back in an hour or so!

So join up, crush, kill, destroy!

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:30 pm
by Psychout
And the moment you have all been waiting for...

The list of alts you will be hunting!!

:CON: Decepticons, these are the alts you will be targeting...

Aerial Rescue Vehicle - (5 altmodes)
239 - Image - Rescure Helicopter - (Core)
941 - Image - Chinook Helicopter - (Common)
163 - Image - Helicopter - (Common)
289 - Image - Rescue Ship - (Common)
302 - Image - Air Tanker - (Rare)

Dangerous Sea Creature - (1 altmode)
206 - Image - Thresher Shark - (Core)

Fast Sea Creature - (4 altmodes)
325 - Image - Fish Creature - (Core)
975 - Image - Tropical Fish - (Core)
814 - Image - Dolphin - (Common)
721 - Image - Squid - (Common)

Ferocious Sea Creature - (2 altmodes)

179 - Image - Sea Monster - (Common)
978 - Image - Shark - (Common)

Helicopter - (10 altmodes)
Image - Attack Helicopter - (Core)
Image - Armored Helicopter - (Common)
Image - Assault Helicopter - (Common)
Image - Dual-Rotor Helicopter - (Common)
Image - Futuristic Helicopter - (Common)
Image - Hover-Copter - (Common)
Image - S-6Z Helicopter - (Common)
Image - V-22 Osprey - (Common)
Image - VTOL Craft - (Common)
Image - Helicopter - (Rare)

Helpful Sea Creature - (5 altmodes)
49 - Image - Dolphin - (Common)
407 - Image - Manta Ray - (Common)
175 - Image - Otter - (Common)
196 - Image - Sea Horse - (Common)
214 - Image - Octopus - (Rare)

Nimble Sea Creature - (4 altmodes)
971 - Image - Blue Whale - (Common)
736 - Image - Octopus - (Common)
303 - Image - Tropical Fish - (Common)
963 - Image - Jellyfish - (Rare)

Noble Sea Creature - (5 altmodes)
509 - Image - Dolphin - (Common)
649 - Image - Sea Monster - (Common)
1020 - Image - Swordfish - (Common)
748 - Image - Humpback Whale Whale - (Rare)
292 - Image - Sea Creature - (Rare)

Sea Monster - (3 altmodes)
967 - Image - Aquatic Dragon - (Common)
18 - Image - Sea Monster - (Common)
793 - Image - Sea Serpent - (Rare)[/quote]

Strong Sea Creature - (5 altmodes)
892 - Image - Killer Whale - (Core)
453 - Image - Basilosaurus - (Common)
380 - Image - Bird Whale - (Common)
758 - Image - Sea Creature - (Common)
368 - Image - Elasmosaurus - (Rare)

Tough Sea Creature - (8 altmodes)
1037 - Image - Manta Ray - (Core)
395 - Image - Alligator - (Common)
314 - Image - Large Crab - (Common)
331 - Image - Lobster - (Common)
980 - Image - Right Whale - (Common)
902 - Image - Sea Turtle - (Common)
126 - Image - Swamp Creature - (Rare)
72 - Image - Tropical Fish - (Rare)

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:30 pm
by Psychout
:BOT: Autobots, these are the alts you need to be hunting...

Dangerous Sea Creature - (6 altmodes)
223 - Image - Sea Dragon - (Core)
206 - Image - Thresher Shark - (Core)
862 - Image - Great White Shark - (Common)
801 - Image - Sea Serpent - (Common)
877 - Image - Shark - (Common)
995 - Image - Swordfish - (Rare)

Fast Sea Creature - (3 altmodes)
355 - Image - Large-Mouth Bass - (Common)
161 - Image - Sea Creature - (Common)
721 - Image - Squid - (Common)

Ferocious Sea Creature - (3 altmodes)
886 - Image - Shark Creature - (Core)
301 - Image - Hammerhead Shark - (Common)
52 - Image - Shark - (Rare)

Helpful Sea Creature - (1 altmode)
214 - Image - Octopus - (Common)

Nimble Sea Creature - (9 altmodes)
208 - Image - Eel - (Core)
10 - Image - Manta Ray - (Core)
523 - Image - Spider Crab - (Core)
740 - Image - Aquatic Arachnid - (Common)
736 - Image - Octopus - (Common)
878 - Image - Sea Creature - (Common)
992 - Image - Sea Serpent - (Common)
419 - Image - Tylosaurus - (Common)
963 - Image - Jellyfish - (Rare)

Noble Sea Creature - (2 altmodes)
655 - Image - Jellyfish Flotilla - (Core)
897 - Image - Stingray - (Rare)

Sea Monster - (7 altmodes)
524 - Image - Kraken - (Core)
510 - Image - Octopus Creature - (Core)
318 - Image - Sea Monster - (Common)
670 - Image - Sea Serpent - (Common)
793 - Image - Sea Serpent - (Rare)
495 - Image - T-Rex / Great White Shark Fuzor - (Rare)
572 - Image - Tenticled Creature - (Rare)

Strong Sea Creature - (9 altmodes)
194 - Image - Lobster - (Core)
853 - Image - Whale Shark - (Core)
554 - Image - Crab - (Common)
397 - Image - Crab - (Common)
13 - Image - Fish Creature - (Common)
892 - Image - Killer Whale - (Common)
841 - Image - Sea Monster - (Common)
134 - Image - Shark Creature - (Common)
403 - Image - Fish Monster - (Rare)

Tough Sea Creature - (10 altmodes)
224 - Image - Deep Sea Monster - (Core)
902 - Image - Sea Turtle - (Core)
906 - Image - Ammonite - (Common)
579 - Image - Crocodile - (Common)
637 - Image - Giant Turtle - (Common)
314 - Image - Large Crab - (Common)
331 - Image - Lobster - (Common)
201 - Image - Plesiosaurus - (Common)
583 - Image - Sea Urchin - (Common)
126 - Image - Swamp Creature - (Common)

Aerial Rescue Vehicle - (1 altmode)

464 - Image - Rapid Deployment Craft - (Rare)

Helicoptor - (8 altmodes)

880 - Image - Helicopter - (Core)
140 - Image - Attack Helicopter - (Common)
979 - Image - Helicopter - (Common)
680 - Image - Hover Gunship - (Common)
103 - Image - Hovercopter - (Common)
123 - Image - MH-53 Pave Low Helicopter - (Common)
850 - Image - Sikorsky UH-60 Helicopter - (Common)
1007 - Image - Stealth Helicopter - (Rare)

The tournament begins around 9pm Thursday (GMT).
May the best mech(s) win!!!

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:30 pm
by sprockitz
"ALL of your teams kills on target alts count."

so there is a negative incentive to enter our shark/helicopter alts into the missions since we can get kills with any alt.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:36 pm
by Psychout
I guess there is that risk, but it at least ensures a few of them will be around. And not using it just costs it xp for a week - for many that is a big drop.

Good point well raised though.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:36 pm
by Bun-Bun
Only if you play like an ass and not fight fair.

I suggested a minimum deployment for entered alts but Psych quite rightly pointed out it'd be tough to enforce. So it'll have to be on the honor system unless it becomes a huge problem.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:42 pm
by Psychout
We'll have to watch and Burn or I will step in if people start taking the piss.

I very much believe it won't be necessary though.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:48 pm
by Burn
You gotta stop volunteering me for stuff man ...

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:55 pm
by Psychout
It's your own fault for firing me.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:58 pm
by Burn
I don't even remember who did that!

Let's just blame Alpha Strike.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:51 pm
by Dragonslayer
sprockitz wrote:"ALL of your teams kills on target alts count."

so there is a negative incentive to enter our shark/helicopter alts into the missions since we can get kills with any alt.

Maybe make kills by our helicopters/sea creatures worth 2 points instead of one?

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:02 pm
by sprockitz
Dragonslayer wrote:
sprockitz wrote:"ALL of your teams kills on target alts count."

so there is a negative incentive to enter our shark/helicopter alts into the missions since we can get kills with any alt.

Maybe make kills by our helicopters/sea creatures worth 2 points instead of one?

yeah that would do the trick

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:25 pm
by Nexus Knight
Got a little question... How do you reformat a 'bot? :oops:

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:33 pm
by Dragonslayer
Nexus Knight wrote:Got a little question... How do you reformat a 'bot? :oops:

Go to your Bot’s character page, go to the Upgrade tab, and hit Reset Transformer. You can then choose a new alt mode for your Bot.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:55 pm
by Nexus Knight
Dragonslayer wrote:
Nexus Knight wrote:Got a little question... How do you reformat a 'bot? :oops:

Go to your Bot’s character page, go to the Upgrade tab, and hit Reset Transformer. You can then choose a new alt mode for your Bot.

Thanks! ...should've looked at the list above BEFORE I reset one of my characters. #-o

Psychout wrote:Players can have as many game-relevant alts as they want in their team, but only one can count per level, which must be listed in advance.

Only one can count per level?

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:38 am
by Psychout
Only one can count per level?

Yep, which you must chose in advance.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:29 pm
by Psychout
I've added a day for people to sign up, this will now start on FRIDAY 9th Feb. 9pm GMT.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:42 pm
by Jack Hallows
Let the record state that the Autobot warrior in question didn’t crave for the war to begin anew.

What they did was issue a call for Autobots to stand firm in the face of the Decepticon uprising that was silently but undeniably happening at the ground level.

The war was already on, the Autobots just needed a push to actually help fight it. :WRECKERS:

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:47 pm
by Psychout
and by that, I assume you mean 'turn up'?

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:50 pm
by Bun-Bun
I'm pretty sure we weren't silent about it.

When we invade you hear us coming... Usually hitting and swearing at each other.

In fact I can only think of one distinct area of silence in the epic conflict know as the One Week War.. that epic event the singlehandedly revived a dying forum/game where so many others had failed.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:52 pm
by Burn
Let the record state that the guy who wrote the intro did so whilst also entering Payroll and dealing with other site issues. He didn't exactly have much time to dedicate the other brain cell to being overly creative.

But then again, he apparently does nothing anyway so just **** criticise away.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:56 pm
by Psychout
Burn wrote:But then again, he apparently does nothing anyway
Just like the rest of the HMW staff here. Lazy bastards.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:07 pm
by Burn
Psychout wrote:
Burn wrote:But then again, he apparently does nothing anyway
Just like the rest of the HMW and news staff here. Lazy bastards.

Fixed that for ya. :WHISTLE:

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:16 pm
by Jack Hallows
Yes, Psychout. That’s exactly what I mean. Too many have died. Too many have retired off world. Old comm channels discontinued. All we have is the hope of new, loyal commanders rising to fill the boots of the ones lost to the ages.

Lol, Burn. It’s ok, if it’s presented through the scope of the RDD, there will always be things the Autobots have to correct.

and, lastly but leastly...

:lol: Delusions. Whether you can admit it or not Bun Bun, you’re only here because of me; and the Autobots who came before you called out the medic were here responding to the call to arms.

Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 1: SHARKTICONADO!!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:24 pm
by JoeFish
I like to think we're more here despite of you Jack...