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TR Fangry, Horri-Bull, Squeezeplay (full-sized) (image-heavy)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:48 am
by The_Cryptid_Person
ImageHey all, I've been planning these guys since 2016 and finally got around to putting them together earlier this year. I've been making tweaks consistently since then but now I feel they're finished enough to show. Here they are in their eye-searing glory!

Fangry w/ Titan Master Wilder
Made from TR Twinferno, TR Fangry, TR Wolfwire's head and thighs, some construct-bot bits, and BH Skystalker's arms. I'm imagining him having a personality closer to Wilder's - a cold, detached leader - in robot mode but with G1 Fangry's savagery in abomination mode. Really tried to push the weird aspects of that mode, too, with TR Fangry mounted for angelic/demonic headwings and freaky limb growths.

Horri-Bull w/ Titan Master Bullhorn
Hoo boy... what an absolute piece of work. Horri-bull was a strict follower of Murphy's law during the customization; paint chipped, limbs snapped off, etc. I'm incredibly lucky my latest effort - further sanding the shoulder joints - actually worked. It didn't the first five times. For better or worse, this thing now stands before you. Deliberately left some green in the abomnation mode mouth to show toxic (angolmois?) ooze pooling/drooling. Body from TR Krok, Arms from TR Wolfwire, horns from AoE Construct-Bots Slug.

Squeezeplay w/ Titan Master Cancer
Inspired by the far superior Cheetimus custom from *other messageboard*. I did... what I could to stick with TR Crashbash's wild neon purple-pink, and despite being a weaker version of someone else's idea, I still enjoy having him on display. Mostly in robot mode, though. Body from TR Mindwipe, legs from TR Hardhead, heads from TR Crashbash, claws from RiD Twinferno. One construct-bot was harmed.

Overall, a tremendous learning experience for me. Despite some imperfect results I anticipate making better customs in the future.
And buying three fewer $20+ deluxes in a couple years.



Link to imgur album with more pictures:

Re: TR Fangry, Horri-Bull, Squeezeplay (full-sized) (image-heavy)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 8:39 pm
by Lunatic Prime
Oh, boy! Going through those foggy pictures being a "little bit" drunken is some kind of retor-horror show. So that's actually somethign good here. Great work ;)^
I'm gonna sober up now and try not to dream about those. c

Re: TR Fangry, Horri-Bull, Squeezeplay (full-sized) (image-heavy)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:24 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
Oooh, some very nice work. Horri-Bull turned out great, Fangry turned out awesome, and Squeezeplay is a good effort too. They all look well-painted and executed. And I feel you on the paint rub issues...

Re: TR Fangry, Horri-Bull, Squeezeplay (full-sized) (image-heavy)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:40 am
by The_Cryptid_Person
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Oooh, some very nice work. Horri-Bull turned out great, Fangry turned out awesome, and Squeezeplay is a good effort too. They all look well-painted and executed. And I feel you on the paint rub issues...

Lunatic Prime wrote:Oh, boy! Going through those foggy pictures being a "little bit" drunken is some kind of retor-horror show. So that's actually somethign good here. Great work ;)^
I'm gonna sober up now and try not to dream about those. c

Thank you both! :D Your comments mean a lot. I've been experimenting with these new LEDs for my display case (where these photos were taken) but it seems to get a little... different on-camera.
EDIT: re-shot the group photo with an actual camera

Re: TR Fangry, Horri-Bull, Squeezeplay (full-sized) (image-heavy)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:01 pm
by Glarryg
These are both crazy and awesome. You did a crazy-awesome job there!

